3 Bad Things about CHAT GPT & Big problems about chat gpt



3 Bad Things about CHAT GPT & Big problems about chat gpt 


What is Chat GPT  & how is work ?

  ChatGPT a large language model developed by OpenAI. based on the GPT-3.5 architecture, which was trained on a massive dataset of text from the internet, books, and other sources. My purpose is to provide natural language processing and generation capabilities for a wide range of applications.

OpenAI’s new chat bot has generated many answer

CHAT GPT designed to understand and respond to natural language input in a conversational manner, and I can perform a variety of tasks such as answering questions, generating text, translating languages, and even writing poetry and stories.

While an artificial intelligence, They don't have a physical form and exist solely as a software program. My creators designed me to be capable of learning and improving over time through continuous training on new data.

As a language model, I don't have personal beliefs, desires, or emotions, and I don't have consciousness or self-awareness. My primary function is to process natural language input and generate responses based on patterns and statistical probabilities derived from my training data.


3 Bad Things about CHAT GPT

Chat GPT is a very helpful for our humans but they have our dark and bad things of our chat gpt and today I will see our bad things about chat gpt and they and very wrost effect

1.       Chat GPT Generate Wrong Answers


It fails at basic maths and provide wrong answers simple logic questions and even go as far argue completely incorrect facts. As people on social media will atlest Chatgpt can get it wrong on than one occasion. OpenAI knows about this limitation, writing that: Chat gpt  sometimes writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsense answer . This is fact and fiction as its been referred to, is very dangerous when it comes to things like medical advice, or getting the facts right on key historical events. While its great at explaining complex concepts making it a powerful tool for learning, it’s important not to believe everything Chatgpt isn’t always correct not answer they have very bad thing about chat gpt


 2 . There is bias in ChatGPT's system


ChatGPT was trained on the collective writing of humans across the world, past and present                    Unfortunately, this means that the same biases that exist in the real world can also appear in the model. ChatGPT has been shown to produce some horrifying answers that discriminate against gender, race, and minority groups, something that the company is trying to address. One way to explain this issue is to point to the data as the problem, blaming humanity for the biases        that are embedded on the internet and beyond. The data used to train ChatGPT is also selected by the researchers and developers at OpenAI.

3. People may lose their jobs to ChatGPT

After ChatGPT's rapid development and deployment, the underlying technology is already being integrated into a number of commercial apps. GPT-4 is integrated into apps such as Duolingo and Khan Academy. In the former, you can learn languages, while in the latter, you can learn a wide range of educational subjects. In both, you can speak to an AI-powered character that you can interact with in the language you are learning, or you can use an AI-driven tutor. An AI tutor can provide tailored feedback based on your learning. On the one hand, this could change the way we learn, potentially making education more accessible, and the learning process a little bit easier. But the downside is, this takes away jobs that have been held by humans for a long time. Technological advancements have always resulted in jobs being lost, but the speed of AI advancements means there are multiple industries facing the same problem.

Chat gpt is a best for great uses but they have very incomplete open AI chat gpt .


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